

Welcome to Educafe

Welcome to our first newsletter and the launch of our info-website, we are so pleased you are here.

Every journey begins with small steps, and we have only just begun ours. We hope we’ve remembered to pack everything!  We can’t wait until we can meet in person, but until then, here’s what’s happening…

June 11th – 16th 2021 – Job Support Club and ESOL for work course. Please sign up HERE. You can also come along and meet us at Thatcham Family Fun day on June 27th 2021. 

While you’re here, we would like to invite you to take our Community Survey. This will really help us to identify local needs and help our planning to meet all the needs you might have. 

Don’t forget you can also follow us on social media



Thank you again for being part of the Educafe community.

With our very best wishes

Clare and Colline 

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