


Educafe is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that was set up to bring together diverse communities in West Berkshire.

Educafe aims to:

  • > Provide safe spaces to meet, eat, learn and make new friends
  • > Bring people together to create community spirit and cohesion
  • > Break down barriers and reduce health inequalities
  • > Improve health and wellbeing of residents and access to local services
  • > Reduce isolation and loneliness and improve people’s mental health

Our services:

A free weekly ‘drop-in’ cafe at Newbury Library with…
English language support
Wellbeing & Creativity activities
Referrals to other local services
Parents Village – support for mums and parents/carers
Volunteer opportunities
Advice and support to organisations who want to connect with our community.

Conversation and crafting or just come and have a chat!

We are only closed for Christmas, Easter and August. Please sign up to our newsletter to stay in touch. 


Julie Seal, Cafe Manager

Subia Azmat, Parents Village Project Manager / Marketing and Communication Specialist

Fee Bentley-Taylor, Operations Manager

Margaret Neville, Chatty Corner Coordinator

Clare Middleton, Founder & Director

Janine Ford, Director

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